You must select at least 8 meals total to pass an order. Unsure?
We also offer boxes with meals pre-selected by our cooks! See our boxes
Delivery is free for orders of 16 meals or more.
You must select at least 8 meals total to pass an order. Unsure?
We also offer boxes with meals pre-selected by our cooks! See our boxes
Delivery is free for orders of 16 meals or more.
In collaboration with Mother Hen, Tout Cuit offers you this tasty recipe for beef puree to feed your baby aged 6 months and over with complete confidence, prepared from top-quality ingredients that reassure your heart as a parent.
This beef puree is an exceptional ally in the fight against iron deficiency. This mineral, which helps to bind oxygen in the blood and store it in the muscles, is essential to your child's healthy development from the age of 6 months. That is why our beef puree is a great tool to keep in your Mother Hen collection!
Double boiler instructions
Empty contents of cup in top part of double boiler and let thaw for 8 minutes, strirring occasionally. Taste and serve.
Microwave instructions
Remove cover, heat for 1 minute. Stir, taste and serve.
Storage instructions
Consume within 48 hours of thawing (whether opened or not).
Beef, water.
For more information, please refer to our Shipping Policy page.
*We offer free delivery for a majority of regions. Please contact us to know if you qualify.
In collaboration with Mother Hen, Tout Cuit offers you this tasty recipe for pork purée to feed your baby aged 6 months and over with confidence, prepared from top-quality ingredients that reassure your heart as a parent.
A tasty and nutritious puree that's packed with iron, a mineral that plays a key role in your baby's nutrition and growth. Iron is used to make ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which helps the body produce the energy it needs to function properly. An essential fuel, so to speak!
Double boiler instructions
Empty contents of cup in top part of double boiler and let thaw for 8 minutes, strirring occasionally. Taste and serve.
Microwave instructions
Remove cover, heat for 1 minute. Stir, taste and serve.
Storage instructions
Consume within 48 hours of thawing (whether opened or not).
Pork, water.
For more information, please refer to our Shipping Policy page.
*We offer free delivery for a majority of regions. Please contact us to know if you qualify.
In collaboration with Mothen Hen, Tout Cuit offers you this tasty recipe for chicken purée to feed your baby aged 6 months and over with complete confidence, prepared from top-quality ingredients that reassure your heart as a parent.
Protein, iron and potassium: that's chicken's winning trio. Babies love it for its flavor, and parents love it because the potassium it contains will help your baby's proper cell function, nerve impulse transmission and muscle contraction.
Double boiler instructions
Empty contents of cup in top part of double boiler and let thaw for 15 minutes, strirring occasionally. Taste and serve.
Microwave instructions
Remove cover, heat for 1 minute. Stir, taste and serve.
Storage instructions
Consume within 48 hours of thawing (whether opened or not).
Chicken, water.
For more information, please refer to our Shipping Policy page.
*We offer free delivery for a majority of regions. Please contact us to know if you qualify.
In collaboration with Belov, Tout Cuit offers you this delicious textured salmon baby meal to feed your baby of 9 months and older with confidence, prepared from impeccable quality ingredients that reassure your parent heart. Frozen and ready to be reheated!
Edamame, rich in iron, gives the dish a bright color and plays an important role in maintaining good bone health. DHA, an essential omega-3 found in fatty fish (such as salmon), is an important nutrient for the proper development of your baby's nervous system! DHA is an essential omega-3 becaCereal blend - Carrot and spices - Belovuse our bodies do not produce it, so it must come from food. Finally, the butternut squash adds a touch of color to this meal and is also great for your health! An outstanding list of ingredients to expose your little one to a variety of flavours from the very first bites.
Preparation method
Stovetop (RECOMMENDED): In a saucepan, add the desired amount of the meal and an equivalent amount of water. Bring to a boil. Stir and lower heat. Simmer for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
*Microwave: In a microwave-safe container, add the desired amount of the meal and a little water, if necessary. Reheat in 15-second increments.
** Allow to cool and stir. Always check the temperature of the food before serving it to your baby. Discard leftovers. Store the unthawed portion in the freezer until needed.
Cooked pot barley, Cooked pink salmon, Butternut squash, Edamame (young soybeans), Shallots, Crushed brown flax seeds, Olive oil, Herbs.
* Made from real wild salmon that may contain fish bones. Always check before giving to baby.
For more information, please refer to our Shipping Policy page.
*We offer free delivery for a majority of regions. Please contact us to know if you qualify.
In collaboration with Belov, Tout Cuit offers you this delicious textured beef baby meal to feed your baby of 9 months and older with confidence, prepared from impeccable quality ingredients that reassure your parent heart. Frozen and ready to be reheated!
Iron superpower at its best with beef! This meal is simply divine with a touch of rosemary and the natural sweetness of carrots. With the addition of kale, your little one will also discover the super power of greens that are amazing antioxidants. Flax seeds, rich in fiber and protein, provide a host of minerals and nutrients! Finally, brown rice and shallots for a succulent pairing that will satisfy your little one's tummy!
Preparation method
Stovetop (RECOMMENDED): In a saucepan, add the desired amount of the meal and an equivalent amount of water. Bring to a boil. Stir and lower heat. Simmer for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
*Microwave: In a microwave-safe container, add the desired amount of the meal and a little water, if necessary. Reheat in 15-second increments.
** Allow to cool and stir. Always check the temperature of the food before serving it to your baby. Discard leftovers. Store the unthawed portion in the freezer until needed.
Cooked lean ground beef, Cooked medium brown rice, Carrots, Curly kale, Crushed brown flax seeds, Shallots, Olive oil, Herbs.
For more information, please refer to our Shipping Policy page.
*We offer free delivery for a majority of regions. Please contact us to know if you qualify.
In collaboration with Belov, Tout Cuit offers you this tasty textured baby meal dish of lentils to feed your baby aged 9 months and over with confidence, prepared from top-quality ingredients that reassure your parent's heart. Frozen and ready to reheat!
A vegan dish inspired by local and international flavours. Cinnamon, a bold addition, is excellent for the intestinal flora. Sweet potato brings a naturally sweet taste to this meal and the eggplant, shallots and quinoa blend perfectly to make this dish unique! A succulent list of ingredients to expose your little one to a variety of flavours from the very first bites.
Preparation method
Stovetop (RECOMMENDED): In a saucepan, add the desired amount of the meal and an equivalent amount of water. Bring to a boil. Stir and lower heat. Simmer for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
* Microwave: In a microwave-safe container, add the desired amount of the meal and a little water, if necessary. Reheat in 15-second increments.
** Allow to cool and stir. Always check the temperature of the food before serving it to your baby. Discard leftovers. Store the unthawed portion in the freezer until needed.
Cooked red quinoa, Cooked yellow lentils, Eggplants, Sweet potatoes, Shallots, Hulled hemp seeds, Olive oil, Spices.
For more information, please refer to our Shipping Policy page.
*We offer free delivery for a majority of regions. Please contact us to know if you qualify.
En collaboration avec La Mère Poule, Tout Cuit vous offre cette recette savoureuse de casserole de dinde aux légume et riz pour nourrir votre bébé de 8 mois et plus en toute confiance, préparées à partir d’ingrédients d’une qualité irréprochable, qui rassurent votre cœur de parent.
Cette casserole de dinde est un mélange exquis de dinde, de légumes et de riz pour donner de l’énergie! Le riz qui, comme le maïs, est exempt de gluten, est une céréale qui fournit des glucides, principale source d’énergie du corps humain. Il s’allie ici à la dinde, une volaille qui fournit des protéines, du fer, du potassium et de la vitamine B12. La B12 contribue à la formation des globules rouges dans le sang et participe à l’entretien des cellules qui fabriquent les os.
Préparation en bain-marie
Transférer le contenu du pot dans la casserole supérieure du bain-marie et laisser décongeler 18 minutes en remuant occasionnellement. Goûter et servir.
Préparation au micro-ondes
Retirer le couvercle du contenant et réchauffer pendant 1 minute 40 secondes. Remuer, goûter et servir.
Instruction de conservation
Une fois le produit décongelé, le consommer dans les 48 heures (ouvert ou non).
Eau, dinde, brocoli, carottes, pois chiche, farine de riz, huile d'olive, riz brun, oignons, persil.
For more information, please refer to our Shipping Policy page.
*We offer free delivery for a majority of regions. Please contact us to know if you qualify.
En collaboration avec La Mère Poule, Tout Cuit vous offre cette recette savoureuse de bœuf parmentier pour nourrir votre bébé de 8 mois et plus en toute confiance, préparées à partir d’ingrédients d’une qualité irréprochable, qui rassurent votre cœur de parent.
Le hachis parmentier, plat traditionnel apprécié par de nombreuses cultures dans le monde, contient des pommes de terre et de la viande. Il a été inventé par un pharmacien français, Antoine Augustin Parmentier, qui souhaitait lutter contre la famine avec cette recette. Même si les choses ont bien changé depuis, on continue d’apprécier le parmentier de ce côté-ci de l’Atlantique. La pomme de terre, avec sa pelure ou sans, contient de la vitamine B6, qui joue un rôle dans la production de globules rouges et aide au développement du cerveau et du système nerveux.
Préparation en bain-marie
Transférer le contenu du pot dans la casserole supérieure du bain-marie et laisser décongeler 18 minutes en remuant occasionnellement. Goûter et servir.
Préparation au micro-ondes
Retirer le couvercle du contenant et réchauffer pendant 1 minute 40 secondes. Remuer, goûter et servir.
Instruction de conservation
Une fois le produit décongelé, le consommer dans les 48 heures (ouvert ou non).
Eau, bœuf, carotte, pommes de terre, pois chiche, pois, oignons.
For more information, please refer to our Shipping Policy page.
*We offer free delivery for a majority of regions. Please contact us to know if you qualify.
En collaboration avec La Mère Poule, Tout Cuit vous offre cette recette gourmande de poulet aux légumes racines pour nourrir votre bébé de 8 mois et plus en toute confiance, préparées à partir d’ingrédients d’une qualité irréprochable, qui rassurent votre coeur de parent.
Notre poulet aux légumes-racines est un plat qui va charmer bébé. Notre purée texturée qui combine du poulet et de délicieux légumes d’hiver permet à bébé d’apprivoiser les saveurs de ce mets réconfortant tout en comblant ses besoins en fer. Le fer joue un rôle déterminant dans la santé de bébé, puisqu’il aide à fixer l’oxygène qui circule dans le sang pour le mettre en réserve dans les muscles.
Préparation en bain-marie
Transférer le contenu du pot dans la casserole supérieure du bain-marie et laisser décongeler 8 minutes en remuant occasionnellement. Goûter et servir.
Préparation au micro-ondes
Retirer le couvercle du contenant et réchauffer pendant 1 minute. Remuer, goûter et servir.
Instruction de conservation
Une fois le produit décongelé, le consommer dans les 48 heures (ouvert ou non).
Eau, poulet, carottes, pommes de terre, pois chiche, céleris, oignons, persil.
For more information, please refer to our Shipping Policy page.
*We offer free delivery for a majority of regions. Please contact us to know if you qualify.